How AI Can Drive Your Brand Voice with HubSpot Content Hub

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed – a constant barrage of posts, articles, and videos vying for your attention. How do you decide what to stop and engage with? Often, it comes down to a gut feeling. But that feeling isn't random. It's shaped by a brand's unique voice, the personality that shines through in all its communication.

So, what is a brand voice, and how can you use modern technology to drive yours?

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In a crowded digital space, brand consistency is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity. Just like a familiar face in a sea of strangers, a consistent brand voice fosters recognition and trust. It lets your audience know exactly who you are, what you stand for, and why they should care.

But maintaining that consistent voice can be a challenge. Creating high-quality content across different formats—blog posts, social media captions, website copy—takes time and effort. And ensuring your brand voice remains strong and clear across it all can feel like a never-ending battle.

Here's where things get exciting. What if there was a way to streamline content creation while guaranteeing a consistent, impactful brand voice? Enter HubSpot Content Hub's AI-powered Brand Voice tool. This innovative solution leverages the power of artificial intelligence to transform the way you create content.


What is Brand Voice, and Why Does it Matter?

Think of your brand as a person at a party. A strong brand voice is like that person's distinct personality – the way they talk, the jokes they tell, the stories they share. It's what makes them memorable and sets them apart from everyone else.

Brand voice is the unique personality your brand projects through all its communication channels. It encompasses your tone, style, and vocabulary in everything from website copy to social media captions to email newsletters.

An Example

Let's see how brand voice plays out in action. Imagine you're browsing for a new pair of running shoes. You come across two different brand descriptions:

  • Brand A: Running shoes. Designed for performance. Shop now!

  • Brand B: Feeling sluggish on your runs? Unleash your inner athlete with our innovative footwear, designed to propel you further and faster. We get it—comfort matters, too, so experience the difference with our next-level cushioning.

Brand A's description is functional but forgettable. It lacks personality and doesn't connect with the reader on an emotional level. Brand B, however, uses a more engaging voice. It speaks directly to a common runner's pain point ("feeling sluggish") and uses active language ("unleash your inner athlete"). It also highlights the brand's values (innovation, comfort) in a genuine and relatable way.

Consistency is Essential

A strong brand voice is a powerful tool for building trust, recognition, and loyalty with your target audience. When your communication is consistent across all platforms, it creates a sense of familiarity and reliability. People start to recognize and associate your brand voice with the qualities you represent. This builds trust and makes them more likely to engage with your content and, ultimately, your products or services.

Maintaining brand voice consistency often involves style guides and brand workshops. These are valuable tools, but they have limitations. Style guides and branding guidelines can be cumbersome and outdated quickly. Brand workshops are time-intensive and might not effectively capture the nuances of your brand voice.

Fortunately, there's a better way: HubSpot Content Hub's AI-powered Brand Voice tool.

Achieve Brand Voice Consistency with AI

With a constantly evolving digital marketing landscape, keeping up with the demands of content creation can feel overwhelming. But what if there was a tool that could streamline the process while ensuring your brand voice remains clear and consistent across all your content?

This is where HubSpot Content Hub's AI-powered Brand Voice tool steps in. This innovative solution leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize content creation. Think of it like having a dedicated assistant who can analyze your brand's unique voice and then use that knowledge to guide you in crafting consistent, impactful content.

Here's how it works:

  • Learning Your Language: The Brand Voice tool starts by analyzing existing content samples you provide. These samples could be blog posts, website copy, social media captions – anything that showcases your brand's voice in action. By dissecting your chosen content, the AI dives deep into the language you use, identifying tone, style, and vocabulary patterns.

  • Becoming Your AI Muse: Once the tool understands your brand's voice fingerprint, it goes to work. When creating new content within HubSpot Content Hub, the AI can offer suggestions to ensure it aligns with your established voice. This might involve prompting you to use specific vocabulary or suggesting sentence structures that resonate with your brand personality.

  • The Efficiency Advantage: Let's face it: content creation takes time. The Brand Voice tool streamlines the process by eliminating the need to constantly refer back to style guides or meticulously craft each sentence to match your brand voice. The AI suggestions provide a starting point, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of content development.

  • Scaling Your Voice: The beauty of AI is its ability to handle large volumes of data. This translates to scalability for your content creation. Whether crafting a single blog post or managing a massive content calendar, the Brand Voice tool can keep up, ensuring consistent brand voice across all your content pieces.

  • Objectivity in the Mix: Traditional methods of maintaining brand voice consistency often rely on subjective interpretations. The Brand Voice tool takes human bias out of the equation. By analyzing your content through a data-driven lens, the AI can identify subtle patterns and suggest refinements that might not be readily apparent to the human eye. This constant feedback loop allows you to improve and refine your brand voice over time continuously.

HubSpot Content Hub's Brand Voice tool is more than just a suggestion machine. It's a powerful AI partner that empowers you to create consistent, impactful content while saving you valuable time and resources. In the next section, we'll delve deeper into how to utilize this innovative tool within your HubSpot Content Hub.

How to Use HubSpot Content Hub's Brand Voice Tool

HubSpot Content Hub's Brand Voice tool is remarkably user-friendly. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Setting Up Your Brand Voice

  1. Navigate to Brand Settings: Within your HubSpot account, navigate to Settings > Account Defaults > Branding. Select the relevant brand kit and then click on the Brand Voice tab.

  2. Train the AI: Click on Generate brand voice. Here, you'll be prompted to upload a writing sample (at least 500 words) that exemplifies your brand voice. This could be a blog post, website copy, or even a successful email campaign. The more representative the sample, the better the AI will understand your brand's unique voice fingerprint.

  3. Refine Your Voice Identity: Once the AI analyzes your sample, it will generate a report summarizing your brand voice characteristics. This includes aspects like tone (formal, informal, humorous), style (direct, conversational), and vocabulary (common words, industry jargon). Review the report and adjust any traits to reflect your brand personality accurately. You can even add a brand mission statement to guide the AI further.

Applying Brand Voice in Content Creation

Now that your Brand Voice is trained, it's time to see it in action!

  1. Content Creation with Confidence: Navigate to the HubSpot Content Hub and start creating your content (blog post, email, social media caption) as usual.

  2. Unleashing the AI Assistant: Once you have a section of text written, highlight the desired portion. Within the content editor, click on the AI Assistant icon (it resembles a lightbulb). From the dropdown menu, select Apply brand voice.

  3. Review and Refine: The AI will analyze the highlighted text and suggest revisions to ensure it aligns with your brand voice. A pop-up window will display the original text alongside the AI's suggested rewrite. You can insert the revised text directly into your content or use Generate to see additional suggestions.

Beyond the Basics

The Brand Voice tool offers more than just basic suggestions. Here are some additional functionalities to explore:

  • Rewriting Existing Content: Do you have some content pieces that don't quite capture your brand voice? Highlight the text and utilize the Apply Brand Voice function. The AI will suggest revisions that maintain your brand voice while potentially improving clarity or flow.

  • Content Expansion and Shortening: Need to expand on a specific point or shorten a lengthy passage while maintaining brand voice consistency? The Brand Voice tool can help! Highlight the relevant text and choose either Expand or Shorten from the AI Assistant dropdown menu. The AI will analyze the content and suggest revisions that achieve your desired outcome without compromising your brand voice.

Quick Brand Voice Checks

HubSpot Content Hub also offers functionalities for applying brand voice on the fly:

  • Slash Commands: Type a forward slash (/) followed by "brand-voice" within your content editor for a quick brand voice check. This will activate the AI Assistant, allowing you to highlight text and receive suggestions for brand voice alignment.

  • Highlight and Apply: Simply highlight the text you want to check and right-click. From the context menu, select Apply brand voice. This offers a convenient way to ensure your content remains consistent throughout the creation process.

Using these functionalities, you can leverage the Brand Voice tool to streamline content creation and ensure your voice shines through in every piece of content you produce.

Beyond Consistency: Using AI to Enhance Your Brand Voice

Maintaining brand voice consistency is essential for building brand recognition and trust. However, a static brand voice can become stale over time. Here's where the true power of AI in brand voice comes into play: it allows you to explore and refine your voice while staying true to your brand identity.

Experimentation Through Variation

The Brand Voice tool's ability to analyze large amounts of data makes it perfect for exploring subtle variations within your brand voice. Imagine you're crafting a social media post. You want to maintain your core brand voice, but you're also considering incorporating a slightly more playful tone to see how it resonates with your audience.

Here's how AI can help:

  • Generate Variations: Utilize the Brand Voice tool to generate different versions of your social media post. The AI can offer suggestions that maintain your core brand voice while incorporating the desired element of playfulness. This allows you to experiment with different approaches without straying too far from your established brand personality.

  • A/B Testing for Success: Once you have a few variations of your social media post, leverage A/B testing within HubSpot to see which version resonates best with your audience. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your brand voice based on audience response. The AI can then analyze the winning post and identify elements contributing to its success, further informing your brand voice development.

Discover New Voices

Beyond experimentation, the Brand Voice tool can also help you identify new ways to express your brand personality. By analyzing your existing content and industry trends, the AI can suggest variations that could connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

For instance, imagine you're a financial services company with a traditionally formal brand voice. The Brand Voice tool might analyze current financial content trends and suggest incorporating elements of storytelling or humor to make complex financial concepts more relatable to your audience. While this might be a departure from your established voice, the AI can offer suggestions aligning with your brand's core values and overall message.

Maintain the Human Touch

Remembering that AI is a powerful tool but doesn't replace human expertise is important. Your brand voice's strategic direction and creative vision ultimately rest with you. Use the AI suggestions as a springboard for exploration, but always ensure the final product reflects the unique personality and values you want to communicate.

By combining the power of AI with your strategic vision, you can use the Brand Voice tool to maintain consistency, evolve your brand voice to resonate better with your audience, and keep your brand fresh and relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Empower Your Brand Voice with AI

In today's crowded digital space, a consistent brand voice is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. It fosters recognition, trust, and, ultimately, brand loyalty. However, maintaining that voice across a high content volume can be a challenge.

HubSpot Content Hub's Brand Voice tool offers a revolutionary solution. By leveraging the power of AI, this innovative tool streamlines content creation while ensuring your brand voice remains clear, consistent, and impactful.

Ready to unlock the power of AI for your content creation? Explore the Brand Voice tool within your HubSpot Content Hub and elevate your content strategy. For expert guidance and a seamless onboarding experience, our trusted HubSpot consultants are on standby.

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Nicole is a copywriter turned content manager, experienced in all things writing and editing. Based in Brooklyn, NY, she is always on the hunt for the best New York-style pizza, in addition to being an avid reader, traveler, and yogi.

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