What is Lo-Fi Content and How Does it Work in Influencer Marketing?

Consumers today want natural, authentic experiences, and influencers are leading the charge. Highly edited content is no longer cutting it, and brands are no exception to this expectation. So, what content do consumers want? Lo-fi: a form of content that focuses on a more casual and unpolished aesthetic, made popular by influencers. 

Now, how does this content work, and how can you make it work for you? 

Lo-fi content

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What is Lo-fi content?

The shift from highly curated, edited content to a more natural style is driven by a desire for authenticity and a connection with real people. Lo-fi content, short for "low-fidelity," features content like videos and photos shot on phones with minimal editing. Instead of meticulously crafted videos and heavily edited photos, lo-fi embraces a more relaxed and unprocessed aesthetic. This approach allows influencers to create content quickly and easily, showcasing their personalities and everyday lives. 

A study by Influencer Marketing Hub in 2022 found that micro-influencers (often more likely to utilize lo-fi content) can deliver an engagement rate of 6.01%, compared to 1.21% for mega-influencers.

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and encountering a video shot entirely on an iPhone. The lighting might not be perfect, there might be some background noise, and the influencer's hair might not be flawlessly styled. But instead of feeling disconnected, you find yourself drawn in. This is the essence of lo-fi content. It prioritizes authenticity over glossy visuals, creating a sense of intimacy and relatability with the audience.

The result? Audiences feel a stronger connection with influencers, leading to more engagement and potentially higher campaign effectiveness.

Visually, lo-fi content is characterized by several key features:

  • Smartphone production: Gone are the days of expensive cameras and elaborate sets. Lo-fi content thrives on the accessibility of smartphones. Influencers use their phones to capture videos and photos on the fly, showcasing their everyday lives and experiences.

  • Minimal editing: Lo-fi content embraces the raw footage. Heavy edits, filters, and color corrections are kept to a minimum, if used at all. The focus is on preserving the authenticity of the moment.

  • Candid moments: Lo-fi content seeks to capture genuine interactions and experiences. Instead of staged photoshoots, influencers might document real moments with friends, family, or during their daily routines.

In contrast to highly edited, polished content, lo-fi prioritizes genuine connections with viewers. It's not about creating a facade of flawlessness; it's about showcasing the real person behind the influencer persona. This shift towards authenticity resonates deeply with audiences who are increasingly fatigued by the unrealistic and overly curated content that often dominates social media.


Why Lo-fi Content Works for Influencers

Lo-fi content has emerged as a powerful tool for fostering deeper connections and engagement with audiences. This shift towards a more relaxed and unpolished aesthetic offers several key benefits for influencers, making it a valuable addition to their strategy.

Building Trust and Authority

Consumers are increasingly craving genuine connections with the influencers they follow. Highly edited content, emphasizing flawless visuals and staged scenarios, can often feel distant and inauthentic. Lo-fi content, on the other hand, breaks down these barriers by showcasing the "human" side of influencers. 

By embracing imperfections and capturing real-life moments, influencers create a sense of relatability and transparency. This allows viewers to connect with influencers on a deeper level, fostering trust and loyalty. Imagine an influencer sharing a candid video of their morning routine, complete with messy hair and a spilled cup of coffee. This vulnerability creates a sense of authenticity that resonates with audiences who see themselves reflected in the influencer's experience. As trust builds, viewers are more likely to be receptive to the influencer's recommendations and engage with their content.

Accessibility and Speed

Lo-fi content thrives on its ease and speed of creation. The reliance on smartphones and minimal editing frees influencers from the constraints of expensive equipment and lengthy post-production processes. This allows them to create content more spontaneously, capturing real moments as they unfold in their daily lives. This flexibility is especially valuable in a fast-paced digital world where trends can shift quickly. An influencer can quickly record a reaction video to a trending topic using their phone, remaining relevant and engaging with their audience in real time. 

Additionally, the ability to create content "on the go" allows influencers to showcase a more well-rounded perspective. Instead of meticulously planned shoots, they can capture snippets of their travels, hobbies, or behind-the-scenes glimpses at events. This variety keeps content fresh and engaging while simultaneously providing a more holistic view of the influencer's life.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Lo-fi content aligns perfectly with the growing popularity of user-generated content (UGC) on social media platforms. UGC, which refers to content created by regular users, is valued for its authenticity and relatable nature. Lo-fi content, with its emphasis on everyday moments and smartphone recording, mirrors the aesthetic of UGC. This allows influencers to tap into a powerful trend, creating content that feels organic and familiar to their audience.  

Furthermore, lo-fi content allows influencers to jump on trends quickly. A trending challenge on TikTok, for example, can be easily replicated using a smartphone, keeping the influencer relevant and engaging with their audience. By embracing the lo-fi aesthetic, influencers can leverage the power of UGC and trend-spotting to maintain a strong presence and keep their content engaging.


this is the $10 #sweetgreen salad you haven’t thought of aka the Derian special. #salad

♬ In the Bosom - Sweet After Tears


In this video, an employee of Sweetgreen builds a personalized bowl for a customer. The video is clearly shot on a smartphone and captures natural, unscripted moments. This shows Sweetgreen in a natural, casual light, while inadvertedly showing off their healthy, affordable, and delicious ingredients. The result? Sweetgreen shows off their brand personality, boosting the likelihood of user engagement and, for the business, sales. 

How Can Businesses Leverage Lo-fi Content?

The rise of lo-fi content presents businesses with a unique opportunity to create impactful influencer marketing campaigns that resonate with audiences. 

Lo-fi marketing is a low-cost, high-impact marketing strategy that businesses can use to grow and connect with their social media audience.

Here's how you can leverage this trend to achieve social media marketing success:

Embrace the Rawness

Don't shy away from the raw and unpolished nature of lo-fi content. Encourage influencers to utilize their smartphones to capture genuine moments and behind-the-scenes glimpses. This could involve vlogs documenting their daily routines, stories showcasing the creation process for a product, or live streams offering a peek into your company culture. 

By providing broad creative freedom, you allow influencers to showcase your brand in a way that feels organic and authentic to their audience. For example, a fashion brand could partner with an influencer to create a lo-fi video series documenting their experience styling outfits using your clothing line. This behind-the-scenes look allows the influencer to inject their personality while showcasing the versatility of your products.

Focus on Compelling Narratives

While visuals play a role in lo-fi content, the emphasis should be on crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience. Work with influencers to develop storylines that connect with their followers emotionally. Help them explore themes relevant to your brand and target demographic. 

For instance, a travel company could collaborate with an influencer who creates a lo-fi travel blog series. The influencer could capture their experiences using their phone, sharing personal stories about overcoming travel challenges or discovering hidden gems, all while showcasing the beauty of destinations your company offers. This storytelling approach promotes your locations and fosters a sense of connection with your target audience.

Authentic Brand Integration

Move away from forced product placements and embrace a more organic approach to brand integration. Encourage lo-fi content creators to showcase your brand in a way that feels natural and relevant to their audience and content. This could involve subtle product integration within their existing routines. 

For example, a beauty influencer might create a lo-fi makeup tutorial using your products. Instead of a staged product placement, they could genuinely incorporate your cosmetics into their routine, highlighting their benefits and offering honest reviews. This natural integration fosters trust with viewers and makes them more receptive to your brand message.

The Power of Lo-Fi: A Refreshing Approach to Influencer Marketing

Lo-fi content offers a refreshing alternative to traditional influencer marketing, where heavily edited visuals and staged scenarios often dominate. By embracing the raw authenticity of lo-fi content and focusing on compelling narratives, you can create social media marketing campaigns that resonate deeply with your target audience. 

Remember, lo-fi content isn't about flashy visuals or staged scenarios; it's about fostering genuine connections and trust. This approach, when done effectively, can lead to increased brand awareness, engagement, and, ultimately, marketing success.

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Nicole is a HubSpot Operations Lead. She also works on campaign management for clients. A Pittsburgh native, she is a lover of the outdoors, good food, and taking advantage of every travel opportunity that comes her way.

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