15 Social Media Campaign Ideas for 2024

Looking for Social Media Campaign Ideas? Social media is everywhere, and it isn't going anywhere. So, even if your products and services are "low tech," you need a social media presence. With a well-planned social media campaign, you create brand awareness, lay the foundation to build a community, and drive sales. To help you in acing a social media strategy, here are 15 impactful social media ideas to start your creative juices flowing and inspire you to create your campaign ideas.

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Social Media Ideas to Try

1)  Create a Branded Hashtag to Build Social Proof

Use social media to personify your brand while speaking directly to your customers. Your online reputation is essential. Create a hashtag for users to submit reviews and testimonials. This builds social proof while not seeming overly promotional or sales-y.

2)  Post Offers

You can promote offers and discounts on social media as part of your overall marketing campaign. This helps spread awareness and attracts new customers who have not yet tried your products or services.

3)  Put Your Customers on Social Media

Current customers make the best brand ambassadors, so showcase their stories by liking or sharing posts of them using your brand. Have them talk about how your products have helped them. Encourage customers to share selfies with your products and create a hashtag to promote them.

4)  Encourage User-Generated Content

This can inspire your community to create and share content about your brand and can consist of photos or videos. You can create campaigns around product launches, conferences, and festivals or make it an ongoing activity and keep great content coming in.

5)  Include Calls-to-Action

People are more likely to interact and engage with your brand if you include CTAs on social media posts. Ask them to sign up, subscribe, learn more, or leave a comment. This can increase your CTR, engagement, and the overall success of your social media campaigns.

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6)  Conduct Polls

People like to participate in polls; it makes them feel like they matter to you. They matter because as they participate in your poll, you learn about your audience while increasing their engagement with your brand.

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7)  Have an Influencer Giveaway

Influencer marketing is not just a fad. Having relationships with influencers in your niche will increase brand awareness and build social proof. These can work particularly well for smaller businesses and when marketing a startup. Research the viable influencers in your niche and suggest a giveaway.

8)  Go Behind the Scene

You open several doors when you showcase behind-the-scenes info for current and prospective customers. First, you have the chance to keep them up to date. Second, you can brag about your team. And third, you become more relatable. You can broaden your content and show off your personality.

Likewise, as potential hires visit your social media accounts, you can introduce them to your company culture, values, vision, mission, CSR activities, diversity and inclusion, and more.

9)  Livestream

Surveys consistently find that customers prefer live streaming over reading blogs or social media posts. Livestream parts of any event on social media to create more buzz, encourage interaction with attendees, and show all the good stuff to those who couldn't attend themselves. You can chat with your customers in real time or include a live Q&A session. This helps you connect in a way that personifies your brand and makes the audience feel more connected to you.

10)  Hashtags and Trends

Create a new hashtag for any event you host. You can reply to attendees, answer questions, give directions to your booth, etc. Look for popular hashtags and trends and participate. Everyone will be able to see how on-point you and your brand are while showcasing your brand personality. We've already mentioned hashtags a few times on this list, but in this case, they can be both brand-building and practical.

11)  Generate Hype

Create a social media campaign when you're about to launch a product, service, or event. You can preview your product or hold a contest to figure out what the product will be. You want to get people talking about your brand to build anticipation and encourage future sales. Create posts, teaser videos, countdown posts, or even take pre-orders. And yes, make sure it all has a dedicated hashtag. 

12) Utilize all the Features Social Media has to offer

This is a broad one, we know. But things like the Instagram Shopping feature are game changers for brands that sell physical products. If that's you, you can tag products in your Instagram posts and stories through this feature. When customers tap on the product tag, they'll be redirected to a website to complete a purchase. Take advantage of showcasing products and limited-time deals or offers on Instagram stories. These stories disappear in 24 hours, spurring a built-in sense of urgency and encouraging customers to return daily for new offers.

There are other features similar to these on sites like Facebook. And on Facebook, don't be afraid to launch a messenger campaign, delivering content based on each user's preference

13)  Use Spotify for Marketing

As Spicework points out, although Spotify doesn't often appear in social media marketing discussions, you can use it to experiment with sponsored playlists, audio, video, or display ads. Weekly playlists put together by employees can showcase your company's human side.

14)  Use Video to Your Advantage

Create video campaigns to demonstrate the uses of your products. You can do a simple demo or more elaborate videos exploring your products' features. Be entertaining and informative. Whether your company has a YouTube channel, you're employing video on your website, or you're utilizing features like Instagram video marketing, showing people what your company is up to goes a long way and, in many cases, does what the written word or a still photo cannot.

15)  Explore Storytelling on Social Media

Using storytelling in your marketing lets you share personal, relatable, and compelling messages with your audience. Isn't all marketing really about telling the potential customers a story they can identify with? Emotional marketing is based on appealing to users' emotions and creating memorable messages for your audience. Weave your story around your target audience and their pain points. Then, show them how your products/services can help. We've written an entire post on the power of brand storytelling.

Use these ideas to put on your social media content calendar, create your own social media campaign, or activate your creative side to develop even more effective ways to use impactful social media campaign ideas and attract more social media followers with your marketing efforts this year and in the future.

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Shelley's been in Seattle practically since the dawn of time. She enjoys having fun (seriously) with research and writing. In her off hours she reads and walks, although not at the same time -- because tripping over sidewalks is embarrassing.

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