Leadership Spotlight on Law: Meet Vasile Tiple
In this edition of our Leadership Spotlight series, we had a Q&A with Vasile Tiple about his role as the Founder of Goodlegal.io, a leading legal infrastructure platform.
Who are you, and what is your current role?
I am Vasile Tapile, the founder of Goodlegal is a platform designed to offer users an out-of-the-box legal infrastructure. It provides free access to essential legal tech tools (document management system, design, etc.), legal content (policies, contracts), and legal support (law firms in various geographies).
Anyone can set up their legal org within minutes and implement policies and templates org-wide.
Could you describe your goals and key accountabilities to get you there?
My goal is reflected in the company's mission statement, "to make legal easy, accessible, and actionable to anyone." At an operational level, I am focused on the company's product development and its future roadmap, building the team and supporting it in achieving our company objectives.
What is most rewarding about your role?
The fact that I have the opportunity to see how a great product comes to life and how it already helps our customers to be better, faster, and digital.
What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your role? What are the biggest lessons learned?
The biggest challenge is to find the right way to make our customers see the vision we have for Goodlegal and how it can make their life easier and their companies more successful.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
To read more.
How does the remote work environment impact your role?
It makes communication more difficult, which translates into losing valuable time. But the good thing is that we learned how to be more efficient, which is a great outcome.
How do you balance work life and personal life?
I am mostly juggling, which is a more appropriate description for working in a startup. It is tough, unstructured, and messy but rewarding. It's not for everyone and definitely not the right place for balance. Startup life is essentially unbalanced, you cannot have it any other way.
What's the last thing that made you smile?
My cat.
Where do you see yourself and your role in the future? What are you looking to accomplish?
Creating a community around Goodlegal.io so that access to legal services has the same standard irrespective of geographical location.
What's on your bucket list to do within the next five years?
Building Goodlegal.io into an ecosystem that helps companies grow and focus on their products, and of course, avoiding job interviews where I need to answer where I see myself in the next five years :)
The Aspiration Marketing team thanks you, Vasile. We appreciate your time for this interview and look forward to continuing to mutually shape our organizations through this partnership with you. Additional spotlights include Leadership Spotlight on Marketing and Leadership Spotlight on Hospitality. They are part of our focus on Marketing Strategy.

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