Master Google Search Console and Improve Your Website's SEO

Search Console is a tool from Google that can help anyone with a website understand how they are performing and how they can improve their appearance on Google Search to bring more relevant traffic to their websites.Master Google Search Console

Search Console provides information on how Google crawls, indexes, and serves websites. This can help website owners to monitor and optimize Search performance.

There is no need to log in to the tool every day. If Google finds new issues on your site, you'll receive an email from Search Console alerting you. But you might want to check your account once every month or when you change the site's content to ensure the data is stable. Learn more about managing your site with Search Console.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Verify site ownership. Get access to all of the information Search Console makes available. Learn more about how to verify your site ownership.

  2. Make sure Google can find and read your pages. The Index Coverage report gives you an overview of all the pages Google indexed or tried to index on your website. Review the list available and try to fix page errors and warnings.

  3. Review mobile usability errors Google found on your site. The Mobile Usability report shows issues that might affect users' experience while browsing your site on a mobile device.

  4. Consider submitting a sitemap to Search Console. Google can discover pages from your site without this step. However, submitting a sitemap via Search Console might speed up your site's discovery. If you decide to submit it through the tool, you'll be able to monitor information related to it. Learn more about the Sitemaps report.

  5. Monitor your site's performance. The Search performance report shows how much traffic you get from Google Search, including query, page, and country breakdowns. You can see trends for impressions, clicks, and other metrics for each breakdown.

Learn more about which reports to use.

Curious About SEO?  Use the Right Tools to Grow Your Business!

Originally posted on Google Search Central.

Partially edited for clarity; links replaced with information on where available. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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