As a socially responsible company, Aspiration Marketing recognizes the importance of giving back to the community and positively impacting the world. Today, Aspiration Marketing has taken a significant step in enriching our lives and those around us by investing in our future success.

We have pledged one percent of our company's equity to the Upside Foundation of Canada, a registered Canadian charity. As Aspiration Marketing grows and continues to thrive, these options will be monetized and converted to cash to be donated to a Canadian charity close to our hearts.
Aspiration Marketing
At Aspiration Marketing, we understand that the key to success is making a profit and positively impacting the world. Our mission is to lead by example and inspire other companies to create a brighter future for all. We are proud to participate in the movement toward a more socially responsible and sustainable future, and we hope you will join us in our efforts.
By making this formal commitment, we look to ingrain social responsibility into our corporate culture. We are looking to facilitate our staff, customers, and partners to work together towards a greater goal—sharing our future success with our community and giving back meaningfully. Not only are we focused on growing businesses but also on growing an influential culture of compassion and kindness within ourselves and the relationships we establish.
As we realize the dream to grow Aspiration Marketing and the impact we can have on others, we are looking to reach out and help others less privileged than ourselves to overcome obstacles, flourish, and realize their potential.
The Upside Foundation of Canada
The Upside Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations working towards creating a better future for all. We believe businesses have a crucial role in shaping the world for the better, and we want to use our platform to make a difference.
The Upside Foundation of Canada is a partner of the larger Pledge 1% global movement, founded by the Salesforce Foundation and others.
We will expand this area and update it with news and events. Please get in touch with us to participate, learn more details, or learn more about the Upside Foundation.
You can also send an email to [email protected]

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